The Second Age • Shannon’s Pics
Click on the thumbnails below to open a full-size picture in a new window.
|Home|The Good
Team|The Evil Team|Dwarves|Bob's
Pics|Jack's Pics|Kerry's
Pics|Shanda's Pics|Shannon's
Judging |
Judging |
Judging |
Judging |
Spear & Magic Helmet! |
Gil-galad (Scott) |
Introductions (Good Team) |
Introductions (Evil Team) |
Introductions (Dwarves) |
Poohbah (Jack) |
Referee (Hayes) |
Introductions (Referees) |
Introductions |
Rabid Balrog Bites Bob |
Introductions (Oliphaunt) |
Fornost |
Fornost |
Rescuing a Turtle |
Rescuing a Turtle |
Anarion (Rob) |
Dunedain |
Using the Palantir Token |
Using the Palantir Token |
Elendil Sacrifices |
Elendil & Sauron |
Elendil Sacrifices |
Elendil Sacrifices |
Nine Nazgul Rings Captured! |
Dwarves on the Road |
Rescued Prisoners |
Handing Off Vilya Token |
Off-road Dunedain |
Gil-galad Sacrifices |
Gil-galad Sacrifices |
Bouncing Black Numenoreans |
Elf Warrior & Dunadan |
Interrogating B. Numenorean |
Good Army |
Good Army on the Move |
Haradrim & Elf Warrior |
Glorfindel & Nimrodel |
Approaching Haradwaith |
Approaching Haradwaith |
Good Army Approaches |
Battle of Haradwaith |
Photos ©2002 Shannon Green. All Rights Reserved. Used with
|Home|The Good
Team|The Evil Team|Dwarves|Bob's
Pics|Jack's Pics|Kerry's
Pics|Shanda's Pics|Shannon's