Ring Game Characters!

By popular demand, here is a list of the characters available in Ring Game, where they begin the game, and what their base point value is. Note that any of these are subject to change at the judges' whims. Click here to jump straight to the Evil team.

Good Team

*No armour or weapons allowed.    †Must carry a staff

Character Starting Location Base Points
Aragorn Bree (touching the rock) 65
Arwen Rivendell 14
Bard South of Long Lake (>25 paces from the bridge) 15 (start); 60 (after using the Black Arrow)
Beorn South of Iron Hills (at the 25 MPH sign) 24*
Beregond (Citadel Guard Captain) Gondor (on the bridge)(may not leave until 1 PM or they are presented with the Flaming Arrow token, whichever comes first) 15
Bilbo Baggins Rivendell 6
Bill the Pony Bree (touching the rock) 4
Boromir Gondor (on the bridge)(may not leave until 1 PM or they are presented with the Flaming Arrow token, whichever comes first) 30
Butterbur Bree (touching the rock) 4
Celeborn Lothlorien (touching the rock) 32
  • Anborn
  • Anroda
  • Damrod
  • Hirgon
  • Forlong (Lord of Lossarnach)
  • Derufin
Gondor (on the bridge)(may not leave until 1 PM or they are presented with the Flaming Arrow token, whichever comes first) 10
Denethor Gondor (on the bridge)(may not leave until 1 PM or they are presented with the Flaming Arrow token, whichever comes first) 18
  • Glorfindel
  • Lindir
  • Erestor
Rivendell 10
  • Haldir
  • Orophin
  • Rumil
Lothlorien (touching the rock) 10
Elrond Rivendell 35
  • Quickbeam (Bregalad)
  • Skinbark (Fladriff)
  • Leaflock (Finglas)
  • Beechbone
Entwood (>25 paces from any citadel) 15 (in the open)
30 (in the woods)
60 (in the Entwood or attacking Isengard)
Eomer Rohan (may not leave until 1 PM or they are presented with the Flaming Arrow token, whichever comes first) 21
Eowyn Rohan (may not leave until 1 PM or they are presented with the Flaming Arrow token, whichever comes first) 17
Faramir Gondor (on the bridge)(may not leave until 1 PM or they are presented with the Flaming Arrow token, whichever comes first) 21
Frodo Baggins The Shire (near the tree) 6
Galadriel Lothlorien (touching the rock) 50*
Gandalf Isengard (on the bridge); starts at 11:55 80†
Gimli Rivendell 20
Goldberry Hidden in Bombadil Land (west of Greyflood, in sight of the Shire Tree) 12
Good Paladin East end of Long Lake Bridge 16
Prince Imrahil 26 paces from Corsairs (near boat dock) 17
Legolas Rivendell 20
Merry The Shire (near the tree) 9
Pippin The Shire (near the tree) 8
Radagast Iron Hills (east side of parking lot) 25†
  • Halbarad
  • Ellandan
  • Elrohir
  • Bill the Ranger
Iron Hills (west side of parking lot) 10
  • Hama (Captain of the King's Guard)
  • Erkenbrand of Westfold
  • Gamling the Old
  • Horn
  • Dunhere
  • Grimbold
Rohan (may not leave until 1 PM or they are presented with the Flaming Arrow token, whichever comes first) 10
Samwise The Shire (near the tree) 7
King Theoden Rohan (may not leave until 1 PM or they are presented with the Flaming Arrow token, whichever comes first) 20
Tom Bombadil Hidden in Bombadil Land (west of Greyflood, in sight of the Shire Tree) Special—no Evil may approach within 25 paces (within sight of the Shire Tree)
10 (becomes a Ranger after leaving Bombadil Land)
Treebeard (Fangorn) Entwood (>25 paces from any citadel) 20 (in the open)
40 (in the woods)
80 (in the Entwood or attacking Isengard)

Evil Team

*No armour or weapons allowed.    †Must carry a staff    ¹Only rocks or clubs for weapons; no armour
‡No more than half of the Red Eye team may begin on the west side of the Anduin (including those starting near the Shire/Bree, the Paths of the Dead, and at Isengard)

Character Starting Location Base Points
Barrow-Wights (4) Near The Shire (on the shoulder of the road) 25
Bill Ferny Near Bree (on the shoulder of the road) 4
Captain of the Corsairs Umbar (~25 paces from the boat dock) 16
Corsairs of Umbar (8) Umbar (~25 paces from the boat dock) 12
Dark Elf Spokesperson Barad-Dur Parking Lot 16
Dark Elves (6–10 at judges' discretion) Barad-Dur Parking Lot 14
Dunlender Chieftain South of Isengard (>75 paces past the bridge) 16
Dunlenders (6) South of Isengard (>75 paces past the bridge) 14
Evil Paladin West end of Long Lake Bridge 16
Goblins By Sauron's assignment‡ 14
Gollum Hidden in the Shire 7*
Men at Arms of Harad Bottom of Mt. Doom (past the stream on the path out of Camp Site H) 10
Menace (Balrog/Dragon) By judges' assignment 1005* (costume points multiplied by 133 for a possible total of 3000)
Mouth of Sauron Top of Mt. Doom (or bottom of Mt. Doom and start at 12:05) 25 (not on Mt. Doom)
250 (on Mt. Doom)
Lord of the Nazgûl Bottom of Mt. Doom (past the stream on the path out of Camp Site H) 40 (without Nazgûl Ring)
55 (with Nazgûl Ring)
Nazgûls (8) Bottom of Mt. Doom (past the stream on the path out of Camp Site H) 30 (without Nazgûl Ring)
45 (with Nazgûl Ring)
Oliphaunt of Harad Bottom of Barad-Dur (on horse trail near direction sign) 24
  • Gorbag
  • Gothmog
  • Grishnahk
  • Lagduf
  • Muzgash
  • Radbug
  • Shagrat
  • Snaga
  • Ufthak
  • By Sauron's assignment‡
  • By Sauron's assignment‡
  • Isengard (on the bridge)
  • Bottom of Barad-Dur (on horse trail near direction sign)
  • Top of Barad-Dur (by the flag)
  • Bottom of Barad-Dur (on horse trail near direction sign)
  • Top of Barad-Dur (by the flag)
  • Top of Barad-Dur (by the flag)
  • Bottom of Barad-Dur (on horse trail near direction sign)
  • 18
  • 25
  • 18
  • 14
  • 14
  • 14
  • 19
  • 14
  • 14
Red Eye Orcs (∞) By Sauron's assignment‡ 12
Saruman Isengard (on the bridge) 85†
Sauron Top of Barad-Dur (by the flag) 1000 (before 3:30 PM)
∞ (after 3:30 PM)
Shelob Bottom of Barad-Dur (on horse trail near direction sign) 40*
Trolls (4–6, at judges' discretion) Near Bree (on the shoulder of the road) 25¹
Vampire Queen Paths of the Dead (outside the cemetary) 35*
Vampires (6) Paths of the Dead (outside the cemetary) 11
Wargs with their owner 8*
  • Lugdush
  • Mauhur
  • Mugwart
  • Ugluk
Isengard (on the bridge) AS LISTED BELOW:
  • 16
  • 14
  • 20
  • 20
White Hand Orcs (∞) Isengard (on the bridge) 14
Wild Men of the Hills (4) Iron Hills (center of parking lot) 13
Witches (4) Paths of the Dead (outside the cemetary) 25*
Wormtongue (Grima) Rohan (must stay with Theoden until dismissed by Gandalf) 12

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Last updated: May 3, 2019