Blowing Up Peeps At Bob’s House
Update: In order to free up some space on the server, I've removed the
individual Peep destruction movies. However, through the miracle of digital
video editing, I've created new "highlight" movies that trim out some
of the oohs and aahs and leave just the Peep explosions! Enjoy! Still plenty of
images from March, April, and June!
March 23, 2003
April 5, 2003—The Destruction Continues!
June 21, 2003—Yet Still More Peep Destruction!
This might be the last time for a while that we explode Peeps at Bob's house,
because (no joke) the neighbors called the cops on us! Technically, they didn't
bust us until later in the evening, when we were setting off bottle rockets, but
even so, we'd probably better lay low until the heat blows over.
|Treasure Trove|Ring Game
All images ©2003 Jack A. Barker. Last updated: November 19, 2003.