First up: apologies for how long it's taken to get these galleries uploaded. I'll spare you the gruesome details of how busy the past six months have been, but I will do my very best to make sure that photos from the next game don't take as long to put in an appearance.
Secondly, a belated, but very heartfelt shout-out to Kerry Connell, who stepped in to take all of the team photos. His close-ups for the thumbnails were so awesome that I've also included them in a separate gallery, so you can see them in their full-size glory. Thanks again, Kerry!
Thirdly, I got a number of mixed messages about the unidentified photos, so I decided to only upload those whose owners I could clearly identify. If you have photos from the game that aren't here, I suggest re-sending them to me and I'll put them in the "treasure trove" section of the site.
Lastly, here's links to the photo galleries! Thanks to everyone who contributed—I think this is the most photos we've ever had from a single game!
|Good|Evil|Carmen|Dassa|Entwives|Jack|Jenny|Karl|Kerry|Shannon|Big Thumbnails|
See you all on April 24th!
All content ©2010 Jack A. Barker, except where specifically noted.